Renowned storytellers gather at Temple Kol Ami to share stories of fighting for freedom

Storytellers to facilitate an important conversation

WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Planning is underway to raise money for the people of Ukraine and to draw attention to shared experiences between Black Americans and Jewish Americans.

The event brings together two nationally renowned storytellers who jumped at the chance to work together for the first time to facilitate an important conversation.

Storyteller Rev. Robert Jones, Sr. believes that when words are combined with music, there is an important story to tell and people will hear it in important ways. Corinne Stavish is another nationally renowned storyteller, who weaves powerful historical narratives that teach and inspire.

Jones and Stavish will join together at Temple Kol Ami in West Bloomfield Township for a program called Freedom Stories.

“Formed in 2017, the Book Club reads and discusses books on issues facing both the social fabric of our country and the Jewish community. The group has dynamic, facilitated conversations about justice issues, including such topics as human rights, choice, gun control, voter challenges, immigration, religious discrimination, racism, and their effect on our society.”

Freedom Stories is an evening of stories and songs to express the deep symbiosis Black people and Jewish people have in their historical fights for freedom. The event is to raise money for freedom.

The two storytellers put their heads together to plan the event on Thursday. Both are deeply concerned about what’s going on in the world right now.

The event, planned for Holy Week next Wednesday, will have in-person performances as well as live-streamed performances.

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