STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. – Two people were arrested in connection with a Sterling Heights road rage case after they cut off other cars and gave the driver of a minivan the middle finger, causing the vehicles to crash into each other and sparking a shooting, officials said.
Road rage shooting
Police were called around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday (May 11) to the area of Van Dyke Avenue and 17 Mile Road in Sterling Heights, they said.
Officers learned that a white Saturn SUV with two men inside had been traveling south on M-53 when it cut off vehicles and gave the driver of a black Chrysler minivan the middle finger.
The road rage incident sparked a crash between the SUV and the minivan on Van Dyke Avenue, near 17 Mile Road, according to authorities.
The minivan pulled over after the crash, and the SUV stopped behind it, police said. Someone from the SUV fired shots at the minivan driver, according to officials. The minivan was struck by multiple bullets, causing damage, police said.

The driver of the minivan was not injured.
2 people arrested
Sterling Heights police said the SUV fled the scene south on Van Dyke Avenue. The two people inside were taken into custody shortly afterward in a parking lot near 16 1/2 Mile Road.
Officials said they found a black 9 mm semi-automatic handgun and a black high-powered BB gun inside the Saturn.

“Due to the outstanding job and quick response of our officers, two dangerous suspects were apprehended,” Sterling Heights police said in a release. “During a time of rush hour traffic, these suspects didn’t care who they injured with their driving, as well (as) shooting at occupants of another vehicle.”
The two men, identified as Detroit and Warren residents, are facing felony charges.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call the Sterling Heights Police Department Investigations Bureau at 586-446-2825.
You can see body cam and dash cam video of the arrests below.