ROMULUS, Mich. – An 18-year-old student is in custody after a teacher at Summit Academy North High School in Romulus reported a suspicious package to the district’s liaison officer who then launched an investigation.
Update: Summit Academy student accused of bringing marijuana, airsoft gun, knife and alcohol to school
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Police said at no point were students in danger and no threats were made toward the school. Police will not give further details about the contents of the package but did say it is still being investigated.
Huron Township Police Chief Everette Robbins said a high school student was taken into custody as a person of interest in the investigation. Students were held in place while police investigated, and are expected to be released later today and classes will continue.
“From the time we received the call, until now, the response was great and no students were ever in danger at that point,” Robbins said.
Robbins said the package was not a hazmat or bomb situation. The package was found in the high school.
Between the middle and high schools, there are an estimated 800 students.
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