Senior citizen attacked by teenager in parking lot on Detroit’s east side

Incident took place last Thursday

DETROIT – A Detroit senior citizen is recovering from a brutal attack just outside her home on the city’s east side.

Louise Hill says a teenage girl started beating her, and it got worse from there.

Hill is 73, and she’s been beaten and bruised, and luckily part of the incident was captured on camera.

The incident took last Thursday (July 28) afternoon in the parking lot of the apartment, complex Hill has called home for 42 years.

A 16-year-old girl beat Hill, and when she hit the pavement, a man jumped in, but it was not to help.

“The stomped me,” said Hill. “She was still bamming on my head, and the boy was kicking me in my back.”

Hill’s family has created a fundraiser to help her move. If you would like to help, click here.

Watch the video above for the full story.

About the Authors
Brandon Carr headshot

Brandon Carr is a digital content producer for ClickOnDetroit and has been with WDIV Local 4 since November 2021. Brandon is the 2015 Solomon Kinloch Humanitarian award recipient for Community Service.