‘Worst Christmas present’: Fire leaves family homeless in Chesterfield Township

No residents, first responders injured

CHESTERFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich. – A devastating fire in Chesterfield Township the day after Christmas now leaves a Macomb County family in shambles.

“There’s not much to say, everything’s gone. They have to start over completely,” said Charley Colling.

Charley and Frankie Colling’s mom just moved into the home on Anchor Drive 3 years ago. Sadly it all burned down on Dec. 26.

A Dec. 26, 2022, house fire in Chesterfield Township. (Chesterfield Township Fire Department)

“This is probably the worst Christmas present you could ever imagine. We’re finally getting somewhere in our lives and then it was just all ripped away,” said Frankie Colling.

No one was hurt, partially thanks to teenager, Owen Tisler who happened to be nearby.

“I just saw smoke covering the whole street and I banged on the door for about 30 seconds. No response. Called 911, and they were on the way,” Tisler recalled.

A Dec. 26, 2022, house fire in Chesterfield Township. (Chesterfield Township Fire Department)

One person staying in the mother-in-law’s suite and a pet pig were able to make it out… Unfortunately, several animals were killed in the fire including a teacup Yorkie, a bird and multiple cats that were inside.

“We lost pets there’s nothing left,” Charley added.

Now the Colling family has to deal with the rebuilding process, pretty bunch losing everything except for the clothes on their backs.

“We pretty much have to start over from scratch. No money. Lost money in the fire. Lost all of our clothes,” said Charley.

With the unfortunate timing, the family is going to have a hard time putting back together the pieces after something so catastrophic.

“I just hope that we get some answers and maybe if we do get a chance to rebuild, it can be prevented in the future,” Frankie added

Click here if you would like to help out the family.

A Dec. 26, 2022, house fire in Chesterfield Township. (Chesterfield Township Fire Department)

Previous coverage: Residents, cats, pig rescued when 7 departments help battle house fire in Macomb County

About the Authors
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Victor Williams joined Local 4 News in October of 2019 after working for WOIO in Cleveland, OH, WLOX News in Biloxi, MS, and WBBJ in Jackson, TN. Victor developed a love for journalism after realizing he was a great speaker and writer at an early age.