Detroit Fire Department denies major issue despite multiple EMS units close daily

11 medics were closed Monday due to staffing

DETROIT – The Detroit Fire Department has denied that there are significant issues, although multiple EMS units are closed daily.

Multiple Detroit Fire EMS units are closed daily or nightly due to staffing, but when you ask the fire department, they say it is not a problem.

No other Metro Detroit community hears that alarming message coming from their police and fire dispatchers.

“No EMS units are available in the city,” Detroit hears that call almost every day.

For months Local 4 has been tracking the number of times EMS units are out of service in the city -- an issue that people living in those areas may not be aware of.

Multiple sources showed that 11 medics were closed on Monday within the city due to EMS staffing issues. Insiders say this is a problem and that Detroiters deserve better.

Detroit Fire administration does not see it that way.

“I will tell you this our firefighters, everyone, they are all trained medical first responders, some paramedics. We have 50 in class right now with dual roles July we have another class. We are in a good space,” said Detroit Fire Chief James Harris.