Prayers and Patrols in the name of peace taking place in Greektown

Group led by activist Pastor Mo hit the streets of Greektown in the rain to promote peace

DETROIT – A rainy and chilly night was not enough to stop the movement as a community came together for Prayers and Patrols in the name of peace.

Two weeks have passed since the violent weekend in Greektown took the life of beloved security guard Darryl Straughter was shot and killed inside Athens Liquor liquor store.

It’s safe to say that people have not forgotten about that weekend.

The group, led by activist Pastor Mo hit the streets of Greektown in the rain to promote peace.

The wet evening began with prayers, then patrols on the raw, rainy, and cold night.

Peace patrols in and around Greektown and part of Downtown Detroit occurred Friday (April 28) after fights and gunfire took place two Saturdays ago.

“We coming here like the mailman through rain, sleet or snow to deliver peace,” said community activist Pastor Mo. “We’re declaring this a no-beef zone.”

Right along with mother nature was the force of nature named Pastor Mo who takes his preaching to the streets, knowing he has to connect with young people with TikTok-like quickness.

The “No beef zone” means settling disputes and not meeting to fight. Pastor Mo insists patrolling the no-beef zone will go on all summer.

“We’re doing this Friday and Saturday all summer long until we see peace and until the city sees the solution and revelation of peace, at least until they know it and act upon it,” Pastor Mo said. “We’re going to go from 7 Mile Road to Bell Isle.

Police said they needed help to patrol the streets. They said they needed help from the community, and that’s what was on full display Friday night.

About the Authors
Brandon Carr headshot

Brandon Carr is a digital content producer for ClickOnDetroit and has been with WDIV Local 4 since November 2021. Brandon is the 2015 Solomon Kinloch Humanitarian award recipient for Community Service.