Cipriano family shares what’s next on their road to recovery in Farmington Hills

It’s been over a decade since the Cipriano family was attacked in their Farmington Hills home

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. – It’s been over a decade since the Cipriano family was attacked in their Farmington Hills home.

The Cipriano family on Thursday shared what was next on their road to recovery. We could all learn from their courage, love, and strength.

The baseball bat attack killed Bob Cipriano and nearly killed his wife, Rose, and their son Sal.

The couple’s adopted son and a friend were convicted of the crime.

The twin brothers have a tale of survival, but on this June afternoon, they’re not talking about the past. They’re talking about their relationship.

“To be here with Sal and to be here and hug and play with him because he loves when I play with him and when I hug him and kiss so much,” said Tanner Cipriano.

Tanner and Salvatore Cipriano have a bond like no other. After Sal’s beating, he lost his ability to talk, so he uses his phone to communicate.

“Thank you for all your support, and I’m not done yet,” said Sal. “I love my big twin brother Tanner so much.”

Their mother, Rose, is a quiet, strong force who holds the family together by organizing medical care for Sal and praying the money could come in for his medical bills.

“He requires more caregivers because when he got the feeding tube in, he used to be very independent, eating and doing a lot of things himself, so hopefully, this helps to set the costs off,” said Rose. “This surgery on Friday (June 9) is not going to end everything going on. So that’s why we appreciate people staying with us.”

Friday’s surgery is to remove three shunts that were placed in his brain to help drain and stop blockages. Also, to remove a tube in his stomach.

Lately, Sal has had seizure after seizure. The family said it’s been hard and challenging, but he keeps his positive attitude.

“It’s not like, after the surgery, everything is going to be fixed,” Tanner said. “We expect it to be just a continued journey. Every day is a journey. Every day is a road to recovery.”

On Friday, the 12th Annual Cipriano Classic 5K Run and Walk will occur. It will start at 7 p.m. at the Farmington Family YMCA on Farmington Road. All proceeds after costs go to the Cipriano children’s trust.

Registration is available online, but if you’d like to donate, click here.

Cipriano Classic 5K Course Map. (WDIV)

About the Authors
Karen Drew headshot

Karen Drew is the anchor of Local 4 News First at 4, weekdays at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. She is also an award-winning investigative reporter.

Brandon Carr headshot

Brandon Carr is a digital content producer for ClickOnDetroit and has been with WDIV Local 4 since November 2021. Brandon is the 2015 Solomon Kinloch Humanitarian award recipient for Community Service.
