Former Roseville police officer charged with possession of child porn

Authorities say suspect was employed as a police officer at the time of the incident

ROSEVILLE, Mich. – A former Roseville police officer is facing charges after a Michigan State Police investigation into potential child exploitation crimes resulted in a search warrant being executed at his home.

According to authorities, the investigation led to a search warrant being executed in February 2023 at a suspect’s home. MSP said the suspect was employed as a police officer in Roseville at the time of the search.

Roseville Police Chief Mitch Berlin said the suspect resigned in June after the department moved to start the termination process. He had worked with the Roseville Police Department for less than two years.

Berlin said his department cooperated with Michigan State Police’s investigation and also had their own internal investigation.

Issiah Joseph Rumbley, 23, was arraigned Tuesday, Sept. 12, on one count of using a computer to commit a crime and one count of possession of child sexually abusive materials.

He was given a $5,000 cash bond.

About the Author

Dane Kelly is a digital producer who has been covering various Michigan news stories since 2017.

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