ECORSE, Mich. – One week after being shot and killed while sitting at a stop light, the family and friends of Dennell “Nelly” Kemp gathered to celebrate his life.
Kemp was a senior all-state athlete at Ecorse High School who was shot and killed while stopped at a red light at West Outer Drive and Fort Street in Southwest Detroit.

“Everyone is supporting us because he was a gift that God created,” said Ashley.
Hundreds paid their respects in Ecorse at the visitation for Kemp on Friday (Sept. 29).
“I know my son smiling down, knowing that he was loved, and if he was still here today, these would be the same fans following him that came to every game he had,” said Kemp’s mother, Nikeya Smith.

Even more are expected at the 18-year-old’s funeral on Saturday (Sept. 30) morning.
You can expect a heavy police presence as well as police say, the bullets recovered from the crime scene have been linked to gang activity in other cities.
“These gangs are going back and forth,” said Ecorse police Chief Jerry Flowers. “I’m not saying Nelly was a part of the gang, but he was a victim of gang violence, and we’re trying to get a hold of this.”

“Those teammates, on the field, court, diamond, they know him just like we know as he was their family also,” said family member Arkattie Greeley.
“All the kids that had a dream to go away to play any sports, keep that dream alive, do it for Nelly,” Smith said.

Detroit police are asking anyone who may have seen something the night Kemp was killed to call the homicide division or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-Speak Up.
All tips to Crime Stoppers are anonymous. Click here to submit a tip online.