DETROIT – Police investigation revealed that two people have been killed in an apparent road rage shooting incident in Northwest Detroit.
The incident occurred Friday (Oct. 6) at 3:11 p.m. around the Detroit police 10th Precinct area on Burlingame and Wildemere streets.
Police said a man who drove the burgundy pickup got into a fender bender with a woman driving a sedan.
After the fender bender, neither the woman or the man decided to call the police, but instead, she called her family, who helped her chase the driver of the burgundy pickup down.
Police say the man flew through a stop sign and crashed into a grey minivan driven by another woman who had nothing to do with the incident. The driver of the minivan succumbed to her injuries.

After the crash occurred, the people who chased the driver of the burgundy pickup started shooting at him. He got out of his pickup truck and armed himself before returning fire.
Officials say the man was shot and killed on the scene as police found him dead on the street with his gun in his hand. There were approximately 17 shell castings marked on the ground.
Police say they recovered the vehicle of the initial woman’s sedan about a mile away from the incident. Officials say her vehicle was full of blood, but the woman was nowhere to be found.
Detroit police Chief James White arrived on the scene and spoke about the incident to Local 4.
“It’s just a horrible case,” said White. “It’s senseless, and we’re going to look into it and hopefully make an arrest. In fact, we are going to put out a reward of $1,000 for any information leading to the arrest of the suspect that was engaged in this incident. You can call 1800-Speak-Up for that.”
White said they are looking for three suspects, and they’re working on a description of the vehicle.