Blood drive in honor of 9-year-old Taylor girl battling cancer set for Monday

Blood drive in Taylor on Nov. 20

TAYLOR, Mich. – You may remember 9-year-old Roza Williams, who is battling cancer. Local 4 first introduced her back in September.

She was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma at age four, was in remission July 2020, but the cancer returned in July 2023.

To help her feel confident after losing her hair to treatment, Williams’ music teacher, Jamie Anderson, shaved her own head.

---> Taylor elementary school teacher shaves head for student with cancer

The community is now supporting the Taylor third grader with a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 20. Williams’ mother, Meaghan Raupp told Local 4 that the last couple of months have been a rollercoaster of emotions.

“We had a scare, she ended up in the PICU twice since then (September) but she’s doing a lot better now,” Raupp said.

What is making a huge difference in her recovery is blood donations.

“Especially when her immune system is down and compromised and she needs blood or platelets,” Raupp said. “It helps give her back energy and gets her back to where she wants to be at.”

Monday, Nov. 20, from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., there will be a Versiti Blood Centers drive at Taylor Sportsplex (13333 Telegraph Rd. Taylor, MI 48180) in Williams’ honor.

It was the idea of Holly Stachulski after her son Luke came home and told her his lunch buddy, Williams, had cancer. Stachulski works at Versiti.

They have 14 out of 40 donor slots booked so they are asking for more eligible donors to sign up.

“It saves lives when they donate blood and Versiti only gives to local hospitals so some of the donations might go to Roza,” Stachulski said.

In the end, it teaches a valuable lesson to the next generation including Luke and Williams.

“... that giving is important, helping others is important,” Stachulski said.

“She knows that other kids like her, even teens because there’s teens on the floor too, that need it and she’s really happy that people are willing to help and be there,” said Raupp.

The Taylor Jimmy Johns and Tim Hortons on Allen Road will be donating food to people who show up to give blood.

Appointments are preferred but walk-ins are welcome as their schedule allows. To sign up, click here.

For those who cannot donate blood, there is a Roza Strong fundraiser to help Williams’ family financially during this difficult time.