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Thousands pack downtown Rochester to help kick off holidays at Big Bright Light Show

OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. – Some call it the Big Bright Light Show, but the Rochester Downtown Development Authority(DDA), which is responsible for one million lights blanketing downtown, calls it Lagniappe, which is Creole for “a little something extra.”

Each year the DDA takes their little something extra and outdoes themselves. This year is no exception.

The light switch was flipped on Monday (Nov. 20), and in a new twist, they closed down Main Street to traffic for the evening, making it pedestrian-only.

It was packed with thousands of families.

“It’s the magic of older buildings, the fact that you have these older buildings and they still have their character intact, and you add the lights, it’s just perfect,” said Jessica Kalef.

The shops stay open late all season long until 9 p.m., and the line outside Holy Cannoli was typical.

The ladies inside made three thousand shells just for Monday night and started selling out of flavors fast.

“The secret to our cannolis is love,” said Cathy Schulte.

Lagniappe lights go on daily in Rochester from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. for the rest of the holiday season.