New program provides 75K free gun locks to secure homes, protect families in Michigan

Program helps gun owners comply with new secure gun storage law

Keeping families safe is the mission of the State of Michigan, with a new program for free gun locks.

The move will help gun owners comply with the new secure gun storage law.

The state bought 75,000 gun locks as they want to secure those who have guns inside their homes in Michigan.

“The MDHHS (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services) has offices in every county of the State with multiple offices in some counties like Wayne County,” said Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Director Elizabeth Hertel. “Just come in, as we have locks available. Just ask for one, and you’ll be able to get one.”

MDHHS is a vital organization that works to help families with health and food and is now protecting children from the epidemic of unsecured guns in homes.

We continue to see the tragedies of an unsecured firearm at a home in which a child gets it and is shot, or another child is shot.

The state’s new safe storage guin law requiring owners to secure their guns is now in effect.

MDHHS and Michigan State Police are making it easy and free to lock up a gun.

“Having something as simple as a gun lock to prevent children from being able to use those handguns will save lives across the state, and so we’re excited to take on this partnership,” Hertel said.

Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald hammered home how easy it is to use a gun lock in the James Crumbley trail, as a locked gun would have prevented the Oxford High School shooting.

“Safety is paramount and very critical in the household,” said Michigan State police Director Col. James F. Grady II. “You need to keep your guns secured. We all understand that we have a Second Amendment right through the constitution, but you also have a responsibility as a gun owner to properly secure it.”

About the Authors
Brandon Carr headshot

Brandon Carr is a digital content producer for ClickOnDetroit and has been with WDIV Local 4 since November 2021. Brandon is the 2015 Solomon Kinloch Humanitarian award recipient for Community Service.
