Oakland County cocktail bar brings the heat with new summer menu

Downtown Clawson speakeasy a fun summer destination

Pictures from Weiss Distilling Co.'s "Miami Weiss" theme takeover for summer 2024. (Cassidy Johncox/WDIV)

CLAWSON, Mich. – Weiss Distilling Co. is bringing the heat this summer with their latest theme: A spin on the ‘80s classic “Miami Vice.”

The Downtown Clawson cocktail bar is embracing a beachy neon vibe for the summer months with a new theme takeover called Miami Weiss (truly the best wordplay). If you’re picturing bright lights and flamingos, you’re right on track.

A table setting at Weiss Distilling Co. for their 2024 Miami Weiss theme takeover. (Cassidy Johncox/WDIV)

As it does with the change of each season, Weiss recently transformed its lounge and menu to match the coolness and iconic 1980s style that is “Miami Vice” -- but with its own quirky touch, of course. Instead of the usual in-your-face, wall-to-wall decor, the speakeasy-style bar scaled it back this summer with an execution that’s still loud, but more chic.

Bold new menu

Coming off the tails of the springtime theme Weiss in the Wild, I was curious to see if Weiss could top itself with Miami Weiss. I will say, the 2024 Weiss in the Wild menu remains my favorite so far -- but the latest cocktail options are nothing to sneeze at.

Before we get to the drinks, I’d like to initiate a round of applause for the excellent glassware used at Weiss. This cocktail bar is all about the details, and the vessels in which their concoctions are served seem to be just as important as the ingredients themselves.

The glasses used for this menu were objectively fun: Sharks with open mouths; a torso in a bikini; a fish. The garnishes were equally playful: candy stuffed in the sharks’ mouths; tiny disco balls skewered in; monkeys hanging from the glass. It all just adds to the experience.

The cocktails were particularly bold this time around -- and I do mean that in a boozy way. Drinks here are always flavorful too, though, and it’s fun to taste the flavor combinations the team comes up with for each new menu.

After tasting several Miami Weiss cocktails, here are my thoughts on some of them:

  • Vice Vice Baby: Like a boozy milkshake. (A little too boozy for me, actually.) This rum-based cocktail is extremely creamy, thanks to the coconut milk. The citrus and other fruit flavors are prominent, too. Vanilla and maca root created a really balanced, whole flavor. Definitely on theme.
The drink Vice Vice Baby at Weiss Distilling Co. for their 2024 Miami Weiss theme takeover. (Cassidy Johncox/WDIV)
  • Pal Pacino: This absinthe-based drink is strong in flavor, but in an approachable way. The asbinthe is more dominant than I’m used to with Weiss, but if you enjoy licorice, you’d like it. The drink is slightly bitter, but still sweet, and juicy from the pineapple. Not as refreshing as I expected, but a great sipper.
  • Jackpot: A vodka cocktail that goes down easy. The clarified Apple-Jacks cereal milk makes this drink feel creamy without ever appearing so. (Also, Apple-Jacks? Score.) Overall, it’s fruity, sweet, and a little boozy. A sugary-licorice-y mixture coats the glass. A fun one.
  • Spinaretta: A rum cocktail with spinach, in case you need to get in those greens. The spinach isn’t overpowering in flavor, but you can sense it. The drink is noticeably herbal, clearly boozy, and slightly bitter. After a somewhat jarring initial taste, this is an easy sipper. Not my favorite, but not bad either.
  • Magic City: One of the best drinks I tasted on this menu. It’s a bourbon cocktail that’s bright with citrus, juicy with watermelon, and tangy from the tamarind. The bourbon is obvious, but not too sharp. It’s a unique mix, and it works well.
  • Murdori on the Dancefloor: For my fellow gin-lovers who want a tart drink, this one’s for you. This drink is sour and tangy, yet mellowed by honeydew. The drink is made with pistachios, but that flavor isn’t very dominant. It’s acidic and a little boozy, yet perfect to sip on.
  • Seafoam Dream: The best drink of the night, hands down. It’s an aquavit cocktail that immediately makes you feel like you’re sitting on the beach, breathing in the brine. The drink is salty and herbaceous with some Thai basil, and deliciously fluffy from egg whites. It sort of feels like you’re drinking the most delicious ocean water, in a good way. It’s delicate and so tasty. I would drink this all day.
Drinks Seafoam Dream (left) and Magic City (right) at Weiss Distilling Co. for their 2024 Miami Weiss theme takeover. (Cassidy Johncox/WDIV)
  • Rise n’ Grind: Another great bourbon drink. This one is a literal dessert. It’s got bourbon, rum, and banana -- an obvious yet perfect pairing. Lemon adds a refreshing element, while egg whites keep it light and bouncy. This drink is on the sweeter side, and it’s yummy.

Aquavit is still a relatively new addition to the distillery, and this was my first time tasting theirs in cocktail form. The staff told me last time that while their gin is a more traditional take, their take on aquavit is more modern. Overall, I’m a fan.

I didn’t taste any of their spiritless options, but I’m confident they’re just as tasty -- if not more -- as their alcoholic companions.

A refreshing interior

For its many themes, Weiss typically goes all-out with the decorations. At Halloween, decor adorns nearly every inch of the space, hanging from the walls and the ceilings. The same goes for Weiss in the Wild.

But like Weiss on Ice, the bar’s wintery theme, Miami Weiss felt a bit less overflowing and more upscale. Still, it was all in the details in the lounge.

Walking through the faux elevator door entrance, you’re greeted by a crisp, neon pink and blue “Miami Weiss” sign. The neon continues throughout the space, with thin lights piped across the ceiling, and flamingos and palm trees sitting atop tables and the bar.

The sign at Weiss Distilling Co. for their 2024 Miami Weiss theme takeover. (Cassidy Johncox/WDIV)

Bright blue light fixtures light up parts of the room, while a disco ball spins in the corner. The lights keep the theme, but also ensure the space isn’t too well-lit -- maintaining its proper sultry speakeasy vibe.

One of my favorite elements was what appeared to be a flat-screen TV attached to the ceiling that displayed a top-down view of a pool. The water was moving, an inner tube was floating, yet it was all upside down. It was unexpected and fun.

The space always smell amazing, and guests are always met with small bowls of popcorn. As a (clearly) avid fan, I can never say enough about how kind and helpful the staff are.

Of equally important note: The music was absolutely on point the entire time. When I recently visited with family, we danced the whole time.

Miami Weiss is truly the perfect summer setup.

Weiss is located at 34 East 14 Mile Road in Clawson and is open Wednesday through Sunday. Reservations are encouraged. You can check out the complete Weiss in the Wild menu on the bar’s website here.

A look a previous Weiss themes:

About the Author

Cassidy Johncox is a senior digital news editor covering stories across the spectrum, with a special focus on politics and community issues.

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