Police investigate assault, weapons charges against Michigan lawmaker

Neil Friske was arrested and released Friday morning

LANSING – State Representative Neil Friske R-Charlevoix was released from the Lansing police lockup Friday morning.

Police were called Thursday (June 20) around 2:45 a.m. police were called to the 2100 block of Forest Road in Lansing on reports of a man roaming around with a gun and shots fired.

Friske was taken into custody nearby on Windbreak Ln and housed overnight in the lockup on a potential felony offense.

He was released Friday, but police and prosecutors are still digging into whether assault, sexual assault, and weapons charges are appropriate here.

Friske himself isn’t talking, but his staff posted a statement on Facebook that, in part, reads, “Rep Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right.”

Rep. Friske is one of the most conservative legislature members, and his legal woes are now making national headlines.