Michigan man accused of sexually assaulting preteen girls, giving them meth

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BRANCH COUNTY, Mich. – A 46-year-old man from Branch County will stand trial on multiple charges after reportedly sexually assaulting two minors, giving them methamphetamine and fleeing the country.

Anthony Cuyler was charged Thursday, July 18, with three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of delivery of methamphetamine to a minor, one count of possession of methamphetamine and one count of possession of ammunition by a felon.

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According to authorities, Cuyler was charged in 2019 after he reportedly sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl and a 12-year-old girl and gave them methamphetamine. After being charged, he fled and was eventually found in Mexico. He was extradited to Michigan by U.S. Marshals in June.

Cuyler’s next court date is Aug. 12.

About the Author

Dane Kelly is a digital producer who has been covering various Michigan news stories since 2017.

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