
How to win Kamala Harris “coconut jubilee” ice cream?

Ben & Jerry’s partner with MoveOn to “Scoop the Vote”

Founders of Ben & Jerry’s serving up a Kamala Harris-inspired ice cream flavor on the “Scoop the Vote” tour.

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Vice President Kamala Harris is getting her very own coconut ice cream. It’s all thanks to her remarks last May while swearing in the President’s Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics.

During those remarks she said her mother would say to her, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” Since then, Harris has gone viral and now MoveOn, a progressive public policy advocacy group, is partnering with Ben & Jerry’s co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, to release a special Kamala Harris-inspired ice cream flavor.

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The “Scoop the Vote” free ice cream truck tour kicks off Monday in Philadelphia and will eventually make 20 stops in battleground states that will likely help decide the election, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. During the tour, attendees will be able to sign up to raffle off a limited-edition pint of “Kamala’s Coconut Jubilee” online. It’s a coconut flavored ice cream layered with caramel and topped with red, white and blue star sprinkles. It will not be given away on the tour.

-->You can sign up for the raffle here.

The tour is an effort to help voters plan to vote on Nov. 5 and show them how they can help get their friends and family to vote.

“We love ice cream, and we love MoveOn—because MoveOn’s members are always working hard for the change we care about. MoveOn members are tireless—so if we can help make the hard work of improving our country a little sweeter, why not?” said Jerry Greenfield, activist and co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s.

The “Scoop the Vote” tour will be in Ann Arbor Sept. 28. For more information on reserving a spot at the event and the selection of ice cream flavors, visit campaigns.moveon.org

“Coconut Jubilee” will not be sold in stores.

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