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Michigan‘s ’I Voted' stickers listed for outrageous prices online

Stickers showing up for sale online after Election Day

Michigan’s unique “I Voted” stickers are listed for outrageous prices online following Election Day.

These stickers aren’t just a hit in the mitten. They’re becoming popular across the country, and now, being sold for a pretty penny online.

The popular werewolf “I Voted” sticker -- which was created by Jane Hynous, of Brownell Middle School in Grosse Pointe and shows a werewolf ripping his shirt off -- has made its way to eBay and is going for $5-$1,000.

“A thousand dollars, wow,” Jane’s father, Emmett Hynous, said. “I did not know it had gotten up that high. I’m speechless.”

Other postings show single unused stickers going for between $5 and $200. Packs of the stickers are going for as much as $500.

This fall, Michigan residents submitted designs for “I Voted” stickers, and nine were picked to be given to voters who cast their ballots at polling places.

Jane’s father said she sketched her design in a half hour during her social studies class.

Local 4’s Erika Erickson is talking with Jane and her dad about the sticker. You can watch that story Wednesday on Local 4 News at 4 p.m.

--> ‘A thousand dollars’: Metro Detroit student’s Election Day artwork goes viral, wins over voters

A Michigan "I Voted" sticker on eBay after the 2024 general election. (eBay)
A Michigan "I Voted" sticker on eBay after the 2024 general election. (eBay)
Michigan "I Voted" stickers on eBay after the 2024 general election. (eBay)
A Michigan "I Voted" sticker on eBay after the 2024 general election. (eBay)