Detroit’s Giving Machine brings holiday cheer to charities, local causes

DETROIT – On the edge of Campus Martius Park in Downtown Detroit, you’ll notice what appears to be an oversized vending machine. Well, it is a vending machine, of sorts. However, volunteers with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are calling it the first Giving Machine in Detroit.

“You can’t miss it,” said Melissa Bloomfield. “It’s bright red. It’s beautiful.”

The Giving Machine of Detroit allows people passing by an opportunity to select from a variety of items they would like to donate to specific local or global charities.

“One hundred percent of your donation is going to go to that charity,” Bloomfield explained. “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints covers all the cost of the machines all of the cost of the credit card fees.”

Volunteers said among items charities asked to have placed in the Giving Machine include socks, clean clothes and bedding, gas cards, warm shoes, bus passes, baby items, meals, and so much more.

“They gave us lists of what they wanted and what they needed specifically,” Bloomfield explained. “Their main needs, that’s what we’ve put inside the machine.”

Charities benefitting from the items the public’s donating include Interfaith charities like Focus HOPE, Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County, Water Aid America, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, Pope Francis Center, Church World Services, and Zaman International.

Kaylean Seaver heard about the Giving Machine and visited with her friend Katie Devaney.

“I can choose what’s important to me to give and all of the money goes there,” Seaver said. “So, it’s not like a lot of charities where a lot goes to administration.”

They called donating through the Giving Machine quick and convenient.

Devaney explained, “I wanted to get baby formula, because my daughter just had a baby, and she lives with me and one can $30.”

Items you can select to donate from the Giving Machine are as low as $5.

Volunteers said the Giving Machine of Detroit will be at Campus Martius Park through Dec. 8.

Background: Vending machines where people give instead of get coming to Detroit for holiday season

About the Author
Demond Fernandez headshot

Demond Fernandez joined the Local 4 News team in 2023, anchoring our 5:30 p.m. newscast and reporting on important stories impacting our community. He joined WDIV from WFAA in Dallas where he was a senior reporter focusing southern Dallas communities.
