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‘Mr. Plow’ calls for caution as snowplows hit Metro Detroit roads

To maintain a safe distance, the law requires cars to stay 200 feet back

After all that snow, crews have been plowing, salting, and even preparing for more snow in Metro Detroit.

Jason, also known as “Mr. Plow,” has been working for the Oakland County Road Commission for about six years.

After the recent snowfall, Jason was out plowing near 12 Mile and Haggerty roads. He enjoys his job and even compares it to childhood fun.

“Now I get paid for it. It’s great,” said Jason. “And I get to drive a big truck.”

But what is the most frustrating part of the job for Mr. Plow?

“Other drivers,” Jason said. “Trying to get ahead of me instead of staying behind me. We can only go so fast.”

He understands people are in a hurry, but when fully loaded, his plow weighs 12 tons and has heavy blades. Speeding past a snowplow is not only dangerous but also illegal.

The law requires cars to stay 200 feet back to maintain a safe distance—roughly the length of two semi-trucks or six to 10 car lengths.

“Or four to five dashes in the road is close to 200 feet,” Jason said.

Additionally, when a plow is parked at an intersection, drivers must stay at least 20 feet away or risk a $100 ticket.

So, for safety’s sake, drivers should slow down, avoid passing, and give plows the space they need to clear the roads.