Michigan soldier returns to surprise entire family for daughter's birthday

ARMADA, Mich. –  

It was a busy Sunday at Blake's Orchard in Armada -- but only Carrie English knew what was going on.

"We are out here to surprise my girls," English said.

Carrie and Mark English have three daughters. Their 5-year-old had a birthday coming up and Sunday was a surprise birthday party for her, but she wasn't the only one who was surprised.

The extended family knew about the surprise birthday, but nobody but Carrie English knew about the big surprise.

"Daddy is going to be here," Carrie English said.

Out in the orchard, Local 4 videographer Matt Wilson hid in the trees -- to not give away the surprise -- because Mark English was also hiding in the trees. His return was a birthday surprise that no one saw coming. 

English was deployed to Afghanistan in December. 

When English revealed himself, the family was overwhelmed. Tears and hugs flowed freely. 

You can't get a better birthday present than that.

You can watch the reunion in the video above.