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President Donald Trump campaigns first time in Michigan since pandemic

President says he kept his promise to Michigan workers, details money sent to state

FREELAND, Mich. – Thousands of people turned out Thursday night in mid-Michigan at the MBS Airport to hear President Donald Trump speak.

About 5,000 people were allowed inside, leaving another thousand outside watch as the Air Force One touched down. Those in attendance had to wear a mask to get in and have their temperatures taken but social distancing inside was not a possibility.

“Michigan will decide whether we return to prosperity,” President Trump said. “...Tell your governor to open your state.”

The president had a lot of criticism for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who have not been shy about their criticism of him.

“Just like crazy Nancy Pelosi, your governor is a liberal hypocrite -- different set of rules,” he said.

Trump also spent time cataloguing what the administration has done for the state and said, “I kept my promise to Michigan workers.”

Aside from campaign talking points, he detailed money that he’s sent toward Michigan’s way for the Great Lake The Soo Locks as well as mid-Michigan after the Edenville Dam collapse. He also mentioned Biden visiting Michigan Wednesday in Metro Detroit. And asked for Michigan’s support in November.

Polling released by Local 4 has Biden plus five over Trump in Michigan, which is a one-point above the margin of error. It’s clear both campaigns view Michigan as competitive.

About the Authors
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DeJanay Booth joined WDIV as a web producer in July 2020. She previously worked as a news reporter in New Mexico before moving back to Michigan.
