Motion granted to subpoena Twitter over posts about Whitmer kidnapping plot

Lawyers maintain Twitter account tied to FBI special agent working on the case

Lawyers for five people charged in plot to kidnapping Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have approval from a judge to subpoena Twitter for information on a specific account appearing to have tweeted about the Michigan investigation before anything was ever public.

In the motion filed in federal court, lawyers maintain that the Twitter account, @ravagiing, is tied to FBI Special Agent Jayson Chambers who worked the kidnapping plot case. In the motion filed, lawyers detailed multiple tweets, including one from December 2019 before the plot was ever underway which the account tweets “Michigan I got my eyes on you. Remember this tweet.”

More: Hartland man sentenced to 6 1/4 years in prison after pleading guilty in plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer

Since Buzzfeed News broke the story on the tweets and the connection to Chambers, the account has scrubbed the Michigan related tweets and changed up its bio.

At one point the bio read CEO of Exeintel, which is an LLC registered in New Mexico with a mailing address at a UPS store in Clarkston, Michigan.

It bills it self as an online security firm that detects and deters threats. The motion says Exeintel is Chambers’ company, and the lawyers have many questions.

Lawyers maintain the feds entrapped their clients and the subpoena is an attempt to bolster that claim.

More: Accused Whitmer kidnapping plot ringleader argues FBI’s paid informants encouraged violent plot

More: Attorneys for 3 men charged in plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer plan entrapment defense

You can read the filed motion below.