COPEMISH, Mich. – Dakota Stebbins snapped pictures of what appears to be a large, black cat in Manistee County.
The pictures were taken before the Drew Kostic Memorial 5K Tough Run on Saturday (Aug. 13).
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Update: Report: DNR says large black cat spotted in Northern Michigan was a ‘normal-sized black cat’
There are three native wildcats in Michigan including bobcat, mountain lion and lynx. There are no confirmed cases of a black mountain lion -- but their color can appear gray or almost black depending on light conditions.
Also known as cougars or pumas, they were native to Michigan but were wiped out in the early 1900s. They are now listed as an endangered species in Michigan and spotted occasionally.
Stebbins said the large cat he saw “looked skinny.” He said he took the photo from 50 to 75 yards away with a 75mm-250mm lens while “zoomed in about a quarter of the way.” He said the tree in the photo was only 15 yards from him and he was positioned uphill from the cat.
Photos: Every confirmed cougar sighting in Michigan since 2019

Want to report a cougar sighting? Here’s how
If you believe you spotted a cougar in Michigan you can use this online form to report the sighting to the DNR.
The form will ask for some of your personal information, the location you spotted the cougar, the habitat type, the day you saw the cougar, and any other details about the sighting. You are able to upload photos if you have any.