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Here are Michigan's rules on abortion -- how do they compare to other states?

The recent passing of a measure in Alabama that would ban abortion, aside from very limited exceptions, has fueled the fire in abortion talks nationwide.

The Alabama Legislature has given final approval to the nation's most restrictive abortion law in the country, a measure that makes performing abortion at any stage of pregnancy a felony, with a possible penalty of life in prison for the mother or doctor performing the procedure.

The U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade in 1973 determined women have the constitutional right to access to abortion, but as we've noticed recently, most states have set limitations, some more strict than others.

Michigan’s abortion laws fall on the more restrictive side, comparatively, as a woman can not receive an abortion after viability.

She must get state-directed counseling with information designed to discourage her from having the procedure 24 hours before doing so.

If a minor is seeking an abortion, it can not be performed until a parent or legal guardian gives consent.

In cases of life endangerment, rape or incest, public funding is available for an abortion.

With these laws, Michigan women only represent 3.1% of abortions in the United States.

Michigan religious and conservative leaders have most recently pushed an initiative that would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat. It would punish the provider with prison time. 

In Alaska, Colorado, Washington, D.C., New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon and Vermont, officials don't set a specific cutoff point in the pregnancy, after which abortion is banned. Our other 43 states do. Scroll over the following map to get details on what your state will or won't allow: 


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There are many states that will allow abortions up until the pregnancy is considered viable -- when there is a chance the baby could survive if delivered, usually between 22-24 weeks, according to babyMed.

The table below shows which states are banning abortion at particular times of a woman's pregnancy.


Abortion banned at

Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan , Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, Wyoming


Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia (bans at 25 weeks)

24 weeks

Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin

20 weeks

It should be noted that several states take into account the mother's health, along with situations such as rape and incest, when it comes to determining a cutoff date or the terms of what they'll allow. At times, those cases can determine whether an abortion may be done a little bit later into the pregnancy. The rape and incest exemption from the ban failed to pass in Alabama.

Pushing the limits

Amid the tensions stemming from Alabama's measure on abortion, other states are attempting to set stricter limits: 

Georgia: Earlier this month, a "heartbeat" bill that would ban an abortion once a fetus' heartbeat is detected was signed by Gov. Brian Kemp. The law is set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2020, according to CNN.

Iowa: A fetal heartbeat bill was signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds in May 2018, but in January, a state judge struck down the law.

Kentucky: A fetal heartbeat bill passed in March, but a federal judge stopped it from being enforced.

Mississippi: A fetal heartbeat bill was signed by Gov. Phil Bryant in March.

Ohio: A fetal heartbeat bill was signed by Gov. Mike DeWine in April, one day after the House and Senate passed the law.

Utah: A law that would ban abortions after 18 weeks was passed but was quickly blocked by a federal judge.

Florida: Rep. Mike Hill said a fetal heartbeat bill that was introduced and failed this year will be reintroduced next year.

Louisiana: A fetal heartbeat bill has been passed by the Louisiana Senate, as well as the House Health and Welfare Committee, but it has yet to see Gov. John Bel Edward for a signature.

Missouri: A bill that would ban abortions after eight weeks passed Thursday. It will now need to pass the state House before it goes to the governor.

South Carolina: A fetal heartbeat bill passed the state House in April and has since been introduced in the state Senate.

Texas: A fetal heartbeat bill failed last week after not winning approval by midnight.

West Virginia: A fetal heartbeat bill was introduced in the state House in February.

Other states attempting to add abortion protections include New York and Vermont.

Now what?

As abortion is arguably one of the most divisive topics we face as a nation, abortion laws are up in the air for states across the country, with each side pushing its agenda.

It's yet to be seen if Republicans can get Roe v. Wade overturned, but there are clearly legal battles to be fought. It's likely the issue will be a major one in the 2020 elections.

About the Author
Dawn Jorgenson headshot

Dawn Jorgenson, Graham Media Group Branded Content Managing Editor, began working with the group in April 2013. She graduated from Texas State University with a degree in electronic media.

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