OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. – A Bloomfield Hills attorney running unopposed to become an Oakland County Circuit Court judge was placed under arrested, accused of driving under the influence of alcohol.
UPDATE: Police say Oakland County circuit judge candidate caught driving drunk
Julie McDonald, 49, was placed in the back of a Royal Oak police squad car at 10:45 a.m. Sept. 8. She asked the officer if there was anything he could do to help her out of her situation.
"Is there anyway? I don't drink and drive. Obviously, I am running for an office right now. This will [explicit] me up really bad," she said.
The officer told her he couldn't bend the rules.
He was driving behind McDonald when he said she failed to signal a turn, flicked a cigarette out the window and sped up to 54 mph in a 45 mph zone. He said he smelled alcohol when she rolled down her window.
McDonald could not pass all of the field sobriety tests and police said she tested at a 0.102 when the legal limit is 0.08.