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Who is Amy Klobuchar, Democratic candidate for president?

Senator from Minnesota has background in law

The Democratic Party in recent years has spent a lot of time worrying about various races for U.S. Senate seats, but Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s is one the party hasn’t even had to break a sweat over.

Since 2007, the popular Minnesota senator has prevailed handily in three elections in her home state, in the process barely getting a challenge from the Republican Party that has presumably seen the writing on the wall and isn't bothered to pour in resources to defeat her.

But it’s obvious Klobuchar will be getting a lot more opposition from Republicans now after she announced on Feb. 10 she is officially running for president in 2020.

The 58-year-old Klobuchar launched her campaign during a speech in brutally cold Minnesota winter weather, as supporters clad in heavy coats, hats and gloves battled snow to hear Klobuchar speak.

As is the case with other candidates, Klobuchar’s background is as a lawyer, as she served as Hennepin County’s attorney from 1999 to 2007 until deciding to run for the U.S. Senate.

Klobuchar first graduated from Yale University and then University of Chicago Law School.

Click here to see more news about Amy Klobuchar.


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