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Weigh in: Do you trust the voting process? Should felons be allowed to cast a ballot?

We’d love to use your answers in our next episode of ‘Solutionaries’

Calling all voters! (Pexels stock image)

When it comes to voting these days, it’s a bit of a hot topic.

Between mail-in ballots, how we sign up to vote, who gets to vote, what machines are tallying our picks and other state-specific rules and regulations, voting is a pretty all-encompassing subject matter.

We plan to report on the state of voting, and talk with the experts, in our next episode of “Solutionaries,” our solutions journalism-based show.

Ever heard of Solutionaries? Check out our homepage | And our YouTube channel for past segments and episodes

We’d like to start with you, our audience members and readers.

First, we’ll ask you six fairly simple yes/no-types of questions. Then we’ll offer a form at the bottom of this article, if any of those questions happened to hit particularly close to home, or there’s anything you want to elaborate on.

Here goes:

And here’s that form we mentioned (it’s just below).

We do plan to use answers from the form to further our reporting, so only fill it out if we can use your words.

All answers are considered anonymous -- we’re not collecting ANY personal data through the Google Document -- unless of course you’d like to drop your name, age and location. Thank you in advance!