This article is sponsored by MJR Digital Cinema.
Greg Russell sat down with Jason Carr to talk about the best movies coming out for Halloween.
"Countdown" is a horror film about your smartphone and an app that tells you when you will die. The app provides you with a countdown to the end of your life. Greg compared this movie to "Final Destination," where you know that something is going to happen, you just aren't sure what. This movie is rated R.
"The Current Wars" revolves around Edison, Tesla, and Westinghouse competing to come up with the quickest or best idea for energy. This is a story about the history of electrical currents and how its wide use came to be. This movie is rated PG-13.
Jason Carr and Greg Russell also compiled a list of their favorite top Halloween movies.
Watch the video to see what made the list!
Greg also had his giveaways of promotional items for the movies "The Lion King" and "Countdown." To enter to win the giveaways, click here.
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