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Concordia University now offering three-year online bachelor’s in elementary education

Teacher in a classroom. (Courtesy: Concordia University Ann Arbor)

ANN ARBOR – The evidence is clear: More teachers are needed for the classroom.

To help get teaching candidates there more quickly, Concordia University recently developed an accelerated bachelor’s program that promises an elementary education degree and Wisconsin state licensure in as few as three years.

Concordia will begin the first cohort of its Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program next month. The university will be one of only a few colleges nationwide to offer a three-year route to the classroom. Graduates of the program will be eligible to teach in any grade K-9.


“We know that there is a need for qualified teachers who are prepared to take on the demands of the classroom with the passion and care that every child deserves,” said Adam Paape, EdD, director of the accelerated program. “We also realize that living on campus and taking a traditional four-year program is not for everyone. This online three-year program may be just the opportunity someone needs to build a meaningful career and make a positive difference in the lives of young learners.”

Accelerated BA in Elementary Ed FAQs

Continue reading as Program Director Dr. Adam Paape supplies answers to some of our applicants’ frequently asked questions.

What grades will this program train you to teach?

You’ll be licensed to teach Kindergarten to grade 9. This program is Department of Public Instruction (DPI) approved for licensure in Wisconsin.

Is there an option to receive teaching licensure within my state?

While our program leads to a Wisconsin teaching license in Elementary Education, potential candidates shouldn’t let that hold them back if they live outside the state. It is a very common practice to transfer licensure into other states. Specifics of that process will vary from state to state.

What is the schedule like?

  • Each of the first 5 semesters are made up of 6 online classes. You take 2 at a time for the 3 different 8-week terms.
  • There is also the 3-credit practicum during each semester. This adds up to about 21 credits (there are two 2-credit courses and one 4-credit course) for each of the first 5 semesters.
  • The final semester has student teaching (12 credits), one course (3 credits), and the exit portfolio (1 credit). 104 credits of courses in semesters 1 to 5, and 16 credits during semester 6. This gets us to 120 credits.

How many hours are required for the practicum classes?

The first four semesters of practicum require 45 hours of work within the Kindergarten to grade 9 classroom. Different practicums have different requirements – special education, cultural experience, reading instruction. The fifth semester of practicum is the pre-student teaching experience. This is a more robust experience – 60 hours.

Who is the ideal candidate for this program?

At the end of the day, the ideal candidate is anyone who loves kids and wants to train up future generations of learners! Our program will serve any population of potential teacher well. We anticipate students at various ends of the experience spectrum—those coming right out of high school and those with more life experience.

This program will also draw people who have served as paraprofessionals/teacher’s aide in K-12 schools. For post-traditional learners, or individuals who are already out in the workforce, the program is appealing because applicants may transfer up to 84 credits from previous college or work experience.

Do you want to know more?

If reading about the Accelerated Bachelor’s in Elementary Education excites you, you can book a call with one of our Inquiry Support Specialists. They’re equipped to answer your questions and connect you to the information you need. This could be the right path for you as you realize your dream of becoming a teacher.

Those interested in the Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program may be eligible for one of Concordia’s Uncommon Scholarships. Teach grants also may be applied.