Ann Arbor SPARK to celebrate high-growth companies during FastTrack Awards on Oct. 1

The Human Element team poses with their FastTrack Award. (Ann Arbor SPARK)

ANN ARBORAnn Arbor SPARK will hold its annual FastTrack Awards on Oct. 1.

The FastTrack Awards honors fast-growing “gazelle” companies headquartered in Washtenaw and Livingston counties.

“Gazelles” are defined as high-growth companies with 20 percent increased average revenue for three years, starting from a revenue base of at least $100,000.

Awardees can range from small companies to large enterprises since gazelle companies are characterized by their rapid growth, rather than their absolute size.

Read: Annual event celebrating Ann Arbor’s spirit of innovation in STEAM is October 1–8

Winners will be announced on October 1 at 7 p.m. An in-person celebration will take place for awardees while members of the public are invited to tune in for an online broadcast of the event.

The in-person event will take place at the Richard L. Postma Family Golf Course Clubhouse and costs $75 per ticket.

To register for both the in-person and virtual events, click here.

The awards will kick off Ann Arbor SPARK’s annual a2Tech360 -- a week of events celebrating Ann Arbor’s strides in innovation.

For more information, visit