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Have questions about Medicare enrollment? This quiz will guide you in right direction

Courtesy photo (Michigan Medicare Specialist)

Fall time means a lot of things, but one staple of this time of year is open enrollment and people deciding what benefits are needed for next year.

One option for seniors is Medicare, but there could be a lot of questions associated with how to sign up for it, or whether you need to at all, according to Debbie Stroup, a local expert on Medicare.

To find out more information or to test your knowledge on Medicare before signing up during the open enrollment period, try your hand at the quiz below.

If you’re a senior citizen in need of medical coverage or know someone who is in need, visit this website to learn more or schedule a consultation on what type of options are best. You can also call 248-227-0347 or email

Stroup said her services are free of charge to her clients.

Stroup does not offer every plan available in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.