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Interested in a nursing career? Here’s how you can get accredited quickly

Courtesy photo. (University of Detroit Mercy)

Employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 12% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.

In Michigan, average pay for RNs in 2019 was $73,200 per year, or $35.19 per hour.

Nurses care for patients across the lifespan in multiple settings, from primary to intensive care. With a rising emphasis on health promotion and preventive care along with a growing population affected by chronic conditions such as diabetes and obesity, the demand for nurses is expected to remain strong.

Colleges and universities throughout the state are offering programs to address the increased demand, including the University of Detroit Mercy.

In just five semesters – less than 20 months – graduates of the Master’s Entry Advanced Generalist Nursing program at UDM qualify to be a registered nurse and earn a Master of Science degree in Nursing.

Plus, MEAGN graduates receive preferred admission status at UDM for post-graduate nursing certificate programs or the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program.

Visit this website to learn more information about nursing demand or the program at Detroit Mercy.