Improve Your Golf Game: Fade and Draw

Golf Tips With Bob Krause

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Dennis Buchweitz from Pellston, MI emailed me this week asking, "What is the easiest way to hit a slight fade or a slight draw when I need it?"

Thanks for the question Dennis. With the correct technique this is not as hard as people think. Most people panic when they need to perform these shots on the course, they feel they need to manipulate their hands far too much throughout the swing. In a normal shot that doesn't require to fade or draw; the face of the club is pointing at your target with the toes, hips and shoulders parallel with the target line. When setting up to hit a slight fade, you need to place the face of the club where you want the ball to finish but your toes, hips and shoulders should aim slightly to the left (for right handed golfers). Swing the club on this line which will make you swing across the ball slightly making the ball fade just a little. To make the ball draw slightly, again aim the club face where you want the ball to finish and align your toes, hips and shoulders a little to the right. Swing the club on this line which will make you swing from the inside out producing a slight draw.

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Thanks for the question Dennis, have a great golf season!

Bob Krause

Majestic, Fieldstone, Pure Impact Golf Studio