The inclined sleeper from Fisher-Price was recalled Thursday, June 27 due to multiple cases of infant deathsFisher-Price officials announced Thursday morning a recall of the models CBV60, CHP86, CHR06, CJK24 and DJD11 of an inclined sleeping accessory due to infant safety concerns.
Infant deaths have been reported using other inclined sleep products, as infants rolled from their backs to their stomachs or sides while unrestrained.
Over 70,000 play yards included with both Ultra-Lite Day and Night Play Yards were sold in the United States.
The only portion of the product being recalled is the inclined sleeper; consumers can continue to use the play yard portion of the product without the inclined sleeper accessory.
Fisher-Price officials advise consumers to immediately stop using the inclined sleeper accessory and contact them for a refund or voucher.