When you hear the name Jimmy Hoffa, you probably think of the former Teamster boss’ iconic disappearance, but his story is much more than a murder mystery.
It’s about power, loyalty, betrayal, organized labor and organized crime. It’s a story about how far people will go to get what they want.
Once you start looking into Hoffa, you find yourself down a rabbit hole of dark tunnels. You look at the Teamsters Union and end up at Richard Nixon, Bobby Kennedy and the JFK assassination. All of these roads lead back to Hoffa’s obsession with power.
There was nothing he wouldn’t do to have it, and hold onto it, and once he lost everything, how far would he go to get it back?


Fresh out of the University of Notre Dame, Steve Garagiola’s broadcasting career began as a sportscaster at WILX-TV in Lansing, Michigan. After two years, he moved on to WXYZ-TV in Detroit where he spent eight years covering sports.
In 1996, Steve joined Detroit's WDIV-TV and encountered the turning point of his career when, while covering the Atlanta Olympics, a bomb blast pushed him into the world of hard news. He remains there today as an anchor and reporter.
Steve has also published a newswriting textbook, TV News: Writing and Surviving, and won seven Emmy awards for news reporting and producing.