Landlords sue 36th District Court in Detroit over decision to halt evictions
Read full article: Landlords sue 36th District Court in Detroit over decision to halt evictionsThe current ban on evictions will last until October 3.Now two landlords are suing saying it is equivalent to the court taking private property. Legal challenges were expected here.
How the city is working to help Detroiters deal with bad landlords
Read full article: How the city is working to help Detroiters deal with bad landlordsDetroit Mayor Mike Duggan revealed a new plan on Friday aimed at going after bad landlords and getting city-wide inspections done in a timely manner.
Rental scams becoming serious problem in Metro Detroit as criminals capitalize on COVID-19 fears
Read full article: Rental scams becoming serious problem in Metro Detroit as criminals capitalize on COVID-19 fearsRental scams are starting to become a serious problem in Metro Detroit as high-tech criminals take advantage of fears about the coronavirus (COVID-19). Hundreds of online advertisements are promoting rental properties across the area, but officials with the Better Business Bureau said beware of potential scams. Criminals are posting fake ads and sometimes saying they canโt show anyone the properties because of the threat from COVID-19. Another red flag is if they demand cash up front or ask for payments through gift cards. You can watch Hank Winchesterโs full report and hear from an expert with the BBB in the video posted above.
Detroit extends moratorium on evictions as statewide moratorium expires
Read full article: Detroit extends moratorium on evictions as statewide moratorium expiresDETROIT โ Michiganโs eviction moratorium officially expired, leaving hundreds or potentially thousands of of families at risk of being put out of their homes if they canโt afford to pay rent. In an effort to ease some of the strain, the city of Detroit was able to extend that moratorium for its residents. โIf youโre working, youโve got one set of options, but if youโre unemployed, the options change,โ said Rodney Watts. Gretchen Whitmerโs statewide moratorium on evictions expired, the 36th District Court announced it would be extending that moratorium in the city of Detroit until Aug. 15. Duggan urged residents in need to visit the official Detroit Eviction Prevention Resources website.
Michigan launches Eviction Diversion Program for renters, landlords: How it works
Read full article: Michigan launches Eviction Diversion Program for renters, landlords: How it worksThe Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) is being administered by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) in collaboration with Michigan Supreme Court and Department of Health and Human Services. When the Michigan-wide moratorium on evictions is lifted on July 16, 2020, the Eviction Diversion Programs (EDP) will begin. Q2: How is the Eviction Diversion Program being funded? Q4: I am a landlord; how does the Eviction Diversion Program impact me? Tenants whose back rent is not completely covered by the Eviction Diversion Program will be entered into manageable payment plans.