WDIV Local 4′s first place newscast finishes include:· At 6 a.m., Local 4 News Today, anchored by Rhonda Walker, Evrod Cassimy, Brandon Roux, Kim DeGiulio and Jason Carr, reached 49,000 households and finished in first place.
In addition, Local 4′s 5 p.m. newscast won across all key demographics.
· Local 4 News at 6 p.m. continues to be Detroit’s undisputed news leader, with 160,000 households compared to WXYZ (109,000 HH) and WJBK (47,000).
beat WJBK’s 10 p.m. news with a 58,000 HH compared to WXYZ (63,000 HH) and WJBK M-F 11 p.m. (37,000 HH).
1 Late News across all the key demographics, this includes beating WJBK’s 10 p.m. news, as well.