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Ashlee Baracy does a Job 4 a Day with MDOT

They arrive when you least expect it

Detroit – If you have ever been stranded on the side of the road, you may have come across a MDOT Courtesy Patrol van.

I went on patrol to to get a first hand experience on how to keep traffic flowing besides just reporting it on Local 4 News Morning.

So when you have a problem, who are you going to call? Not MDOT! That's right, so how do they miraculously show up to help without you calling?

Doug Shirkey of MDOT Courtesy Patrol explained "Most people who see a stranded motorist on the side of the freeway will call 9-11. It will in turn go to the closest police department, they'll pass it along to the state police force right alongside of our dispatch at the MITS center and they'll forward the call to the driver within that area," says

Within 14 minutes, voila! MDOT at your service.

Shirkey continued to say "We have motorists that run out of gas and we provide fuel for the vehicles, we change flat tires, we'll repair a tire if it's repairable if they don't have a spare tire."

They even call tow trucks and transport drivers and it's all at no cost to you. Services are funded through a grant from the federal highway administration and supported by Michigan State Police and SEMCOG.

According to SEMCOG, when taking delays and pollution into consideration, drivers save more than 15 dollars for every dollar spent on the service. On average each patroller drives 250 miles during their eight hour shift and assists with anywhere from 12 to 15 vehicles.

Here is a look at the MDOT patrolling zones throughout Southeast Michigan. Nearly every interstate and highway is covered, but that's not the only good news.

"It's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round."

What many people don't realize is that it can be a very dangerous job. Drivers fly past you at extremely high speeds, so remember the next time you see a courtesy patrol van, treat it as an emergency vehicle and either slow down or merge into a lane further away.

If you have a "Job 4 a Day" you would like us to try, e-mail us at