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Metro Detroit weather update: June 9, 2021 afternoon, evening forecast

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DETROIT – Here is the Metro Detroit weather forecast update for June 9, 2021 afternoon and evening.

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Isolated shower, storm chances Wednesday - Friday

  • Not as widespread as Tuesday, but there are a few isolated showers out there this afternoon.
  • Chances continue until just before sunset, also could be a rumble of thunder as well.
  • Thursday: It looks like the action will stay mainly to our south, but the south zone could get a shower or two.
  • Friday: The chances look pretty slim, but still can’t be completely ruled out.

Going from muggy to more comfortable

  • Still feeling hot and heavy out there, but by Sunday it’s going to feel a lot better.


  • Saturday: Few evening showers and storms.
  • Sunday: Looking better!

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Annular solar eclipse Thursday morning

Earliest sunrise

  • The earliest sunrise that we see is on Monday (June 14)
  • The sun will rise at 5:56 a.m. at Romulus. (5:54 a.m. at Detroit).

Normal high at 80 degrees

  • Monday (June 14) is also the day that we see the normal high reach 80 degrees.