Metro Detroit weather update: Dec. 17, 2021 afternoon, evening forecast

The Michigan weather radar on Dec. 17, 2021. (WDIV)

DETROIT – Here is the Metro Detroit weather forecast update for Dec. 17, 2021, afternoon and evening.

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Wintry mix Friday night/snow Saturday

  • Closer to 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. Saturday, a wintry mix moves in from the south.
  • As this precipitation continues to move north and encompass the area, most of it switches over to snow, but areas near the Ohio state line may stay as a wintry mix.
  • Anything left in the late morning/early afternoon should be all snow, and would be more scattered in nature.
  • Still confident in an area-wide 1-2 inches, but high resolution models continue to spit out a few spots getting around 3 inches between I-94 and I-96.

Staying cold

  • Going forward, highs will remain in the 30s for some time. We may touch the lower 40s later next week, but that’s about it.

Christmas Eve snow chance

  • Long-range models aren’t in great agreement here, but there is some growing confidence that we’ll have some snow later Friday of next week, possibly lingering into Christmas morning.
  • WARNING: There’s a lot to shake out with this, as it’s seven days out. So don’t 100% run with pre-Christmas snow, but as mentioned, confidence is growing.

Winter starts next week

  • Winter Solstice is at 10:58 a.m. Tuesday (Dec. 21).