We’d rather not have an ice storm -- we can all agree on that. But we can also agree on the fact that the ice looks pretty cool on the trees.
MIPics -- our photo and video sharing platform -- lit up with ice photos as the winter storm moved through Metro Detroit on Wednesday. Most of them show off the ice build up on trees, furniture and other things that probably don’t need ice. Some show damage and downed trees from the ice.
Here are some of the MIPics we’ve seen from the storm:
Jan Allen
Outside my apartment building , walled lake
The view across the Pine River- 🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊 OUT!
Ice damage
Pam Lasazen
Iced Sakura in Plymouth
George R
Bird feeders in the ice storm
Debby Walters
Ice on trees in Scio Township (Ann Arbor)
Jim Rohrborn Red Mill Drive Tecumseh, Mi
Tree branch down
Carleton. Mid afternoon.
See more MIPics or upload your own right here, or use the 4Warn Weather app!