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Local 4's 4ZONE Weather forecasts

Find Your 4Zone

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Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database


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Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database


What is 4Zone weather?

I'm sure you have heard it before ... if you don't like the weather in Michigan then just give it a minute and it will surely change.

The weather around here is unique to say the least. When it's raining Downtown, the sun may be shining in Dundee. A broom may be enough to take care of a February snowfall in Brighton, but you're breaking out the snow blowers in Sandusky.

There are many times that southeast Michigan's weather not only changes by the hour, but by the neighborhood.

We want to tell a better weather story here at Local 4. We want you to see what will happen not only in the biggest cities, but in every corner of our region. You can find a "Prediction" on any app, screen, or station. Now more than ever you need a forecast from someone who knows our corner of the Mitten.

Welcome to our 4ZONE Forecast. Four distinct areas -- North, South, West, Metro -- that highlight southeast Michigan's diverse and rapidly changing conditions.

Find your 4ZONE below - and follow the Local4Casters as we dive deeper into the weather that keeps us talking, marveling and sometimes even cursing.





About the Author
Ben Bailey headshot

Ben loves his job at Local 4 because broadcast meteorology challenges him to crack Mother Nature’s code, then find new and creative ways to tell that story to people.
